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3 Days of

Unleashing Uncommon Supernatural Wisdom

 Prayer & Fasting 

Wednesday, May 29th- Friday, May 31st

(James 1:5-8, Proverbs 4:7, Proverbs 9:10, Psalm 119:98)

Live prayer:


6:45am to 7:00am - Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (May 29, 30 & 31)
Call in number: 712-770-5603 access code: 136492

On Facebook LIVE: go to the "Powerful Breakthrough Prayer with Pastor Austin" group



Wednesday, May 29th through Friday, May 31st

from - 7:00am until 12:000 noon or

Fast one meal per day - breakfast, lunch or dinner and dedicate that time to the Lord.


Throughout the day and sometime within the meal period that you have selected to fast, pray for the area of agreement for that day.

(If you are under doctors care be sure to follow your medical instructions)

Communion: Friday, May 31st @ 6:45am

Join us for a brief time of Holy Communion Friday, May 31st during our time of Breakthrough Prayer at 6:45am. You may use a cracker, wafer or piece of bread and some grape juice (or a small amount of any juice or water that you have available). As we partake in this powerful time of communion we remember the sacrifice of our Savior and we exchange our condition with the provision that His sacrifice made (forgiveness, spiritual, mental, emotional, financial and physical wholeness & restoration). 


Areas of agreement & Confessions

- I have been given & I receive an abundance of supernatural wisdom from God.


- The eyes of my understanding have been opened and I see & hear clearly


- I have clear direction for every decision that I need to make.


 - I discern accurately & effectively correct times & seasons


 - I discern people & circumstances accurately


 - I rebuke and cast out all forces of confusion, fear, anxiety, doublemindedness, ambiguity, procrastination & lack of focus that would try to hinder my successful progress towards destiny


 - I activate the gifts of the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge & discerning of spirits

- I easily make though decisions because I am self disciplined and focused on vision, outcomes & destiny

- I am strong & I refuse to be hindered by pettiness, envy, unforgiveness, anger & offence.


- My footsteps have been ordered by the Lord


- I am not & I refuse to be hindered by laziness, discomfort and pride


- I receive and act on masterful business strategies to advance in my destiny


- I receive and act on masterful financial strategies that position me to receive increase, overflow, wealth & riches


- I receive and act on masterful relationship strategies by which I am divinely connected with the right people at the right time. We enjoy mutually beneficial, synergistic, fulfilling relationship.


- I receive and act on masterful health strategies by which I walk in divine health & wholesness. 



Submit your prayer requests and the areas that you desire agreement with.
(We will not call out the information and requests publicly. Pastor Austin will pray, agree and decree over each request in private)

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