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Testimonies & Praise Reports

Revelation 12:11

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..."


Isaiah 46:9

"Remember the miracles of long ago.
    Acknowledge that I am God, and there is no other.
    I am God, and there is none like me".


God has been and is good to you! Please share your testimonies and praise reports as we celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God.


In May of 2005 I moved into my brand new home, and a month after I moved in, I was in a very bad car accident and totaled my car. In the fall of that year, while believing God for a new car that I didn’t have to pay for, I was blessed to drive away from the car dealership with a new car and the title to the new car that I didn’t pay for.

S. Williams


In March, my mother passed and I came to Los Angeles to be with my dad. The day she passed is when the pandemic became very strict. Well without going into everything God did because it would take too long, God granted us favor with everything that had to be taken care of. I listen to the “Reset and Recover All” prayer and I was able to come and spend time because my job was furloughed. Let me just say, they let me go with a severance package which is small, but I didn't have to even get that.  When I first filed unemployment, it was a disaster. I couldn't get online and me being here in Cali there was a time difference and no matter what time I tried, I couldn't get online. However, I had to speak to my day and so I did. Long story short, I got paid more unemployment than if I was working and the government gave me backpay! Since losing my job, even in this recession for the world, our GOD has shown my husband how to payoff all of the bills even without my job. All I know is yes, we must speak to our day and Trust our God. Thank you, Pastor Austin for the powerful prayers you bring to us. I listen to you daily. I don't miss 1 day. I just replace the dates when I have to. 😆. God Bless you and your beautiful family. Love you all and thank you again.

T. Johnson

During the pandemic, at work, we were required to take online courses that had become overwhelmed. I heard Pastor Austin say to write it down and make decrees and declares over whatever you are believing God for. Praise God for the victory on passing every test 85 and above!
I believed God for another victory. The school I worked owed me $215.84 for some purchasing that I made during the month of February for our Black History Celebration. I had not received the reimbursement for we left for the pandemic. Pastor Austin I wrote down my request unto the Lord with decreeing and declaring that I will receive all monies that is owed to me come now in the mighty name of Jesus. Well my brothers and my sisters I RECOVERED ALL THANK YOU, LORD!!!

T. Williams


Good morning my family, today May 29th I closed on my brand new home. I’m a first time home buyer I didn’t expect this cause of all the rocky roads I endured. I moved to Georgia 3 years ago and it was rough times, thought I wouldn’t make it, wanted to give up but God made a way out of no way. I always stayed connected with Pastor Austin prayers and attended church when I came home to Miami to visit and never shared my pain with no one. I cried and prayed many nights to get myself together, the house I was renting the owner sold her house and I was unaware of it and that forced me to live in hotels, struggling to pay bills, slept in my truck at times. I prayed to God and I started declaring I will never rent from no one again, I am a homeowner. Shortly after that Pastor Austin starting declaring homes over us and I knew God was using him cause no one knew my struggles. One day I went to this neighborhood I saw homes being built and I prophesied "I will own a home in this new community". The Almighty God saw fit to bless me with a new home in the same new community and I designed it. Thank God for all he has done and continue doing. Like Pastor Austin teaches us keep praying, prophesying and believe, it must come to past.

T. Monroe

On May 16, 2020 The enemy tried to attack my body. The usage of my left leg was hindered for four hours. The prayers of the righteous availeth much!!! The MRI results NEGATIVE (how bout that!) A wheelchair carried me in, HALLELUJAH, I Walked out!!!!!!!!! Pain Free. Thank you Father in Jesus name Amen

E.  Thomas

During this time of the pandemic, my work hours were reduced to 20 hours and a week later I was laid off. On May 18th my job was reinstated under contingency if there's a second wave I will be laid off again. On Sunday you said that someone was laid off but God will reinstate their job. You were talking to me. I give God all the glory in advance that my job will not be affected by this 2nd wave and my foot shall not be moved. In Jesus's name. Amen.

R. Marshall

Operation Reset, Restore & Recover All Prayer line has been a tremendous blessing! My wife and I have been praying in agreement for the sciatic nerves in my wife's right side lower back. Pastor Austin, the Holy Spirit spoke to you to pray for someone dealing with sciatic and the pain she was experiencing is totally gone in Jesus Name Amen.

L. Wiliams 

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