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3 Days  Fasting - June 2024 template.png

Wednesday, June 19th - Friday, June 21st

(Joel 2:25, Job 42:10, Isaiah 43:18-19, Acts 3:19-20, 1 Sam. 30:8)

Live prayer:


6:45am to 7:15am - Wednesday - Friday (June 19, 20 & 21)
Call in number: 667-770-1536 access code: 136492

On Facebook "LIVE"          go to the:

"Powerful Breakthrough Prayer with Pastor Austin" group


Wednesday, June 19th through Friday, June 21st from:

- 7:00am until 2:00pm or

Fast two meals per day - breakfast, lunch or dinner and dedicate that time to the Lord.

Throughout the day and sometime within those meal periods that you have selected to fast, pray for the areas of agreement.

(If you are under doctor's care be sure to follow your medical instructions)

Quick tips:

- Pray and speak blessings over your water:

(example - Father, thank you for enhancing this water with you power that helps to refresh, restore and regenerate my system for the glory of God)


- List your fasting plan:

(example - I am doing a beverage restriction/ water fast. Wed. - Fri. from 7:00am -7:00pm. I am standing in faith for.... I will be confessing (scripture) every time I  drink my water...) 


- Set a specific time that you will pray

(example - 4:00-4:15)


- Set a specific time that you will ready scripture:

(example - 4:15-4:30)

Communion: Friday, June 21st @ 6:45am

Join us for a brief time of Holy Communion Friday, June 21st during our time of Breakthrough Prayer at 6:45am. You may use a cracker, wafer or piece of bread and some grape juice (or a small amount of any juice that you have available). As we partake in this powerful time of communion we remember the sacrifice of our Savior and we exchange our condition with the provision that His sacrifice made (forgiveness, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wholeness & restoration). 

Areas of agreement & Confessions 


 - I decree restoration to everything missing, stolen, broken or lacking in my life

 - I decree that the Lord restores to me years, time, opportunities, finances,  experiences, health & relationships, the very thing or better

 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)


 - I am fruitful and I multiply: spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, occupationally, entrepreneurially, relationally, domestically and in EVERY area of my life   (Genesis 1:28)


 - I am increased more and more   (Psalm 115:14)

- I trust in the Lord with all of my heart and I lean not to my own understanding, therefore the Lord directs me to the right places at the right times to connect with the right people in the right way (Proverbs 3:5-6)


- I have been given an abundance of wisdom, therefore I make masterfully productive, brilliant, beneficial decisions (James 1:5)


- I am equipped and prepared for the new seasons, open doors, promotions & new opportunities that have been made available to me (Proverbs 16:3)


- I am observant, aware and perceive the great opportunities that are continually being made available to me (1 Kings 2:3)


 - I receive exponential growth and expansion in quantity & quality. I am rich monetarily and experientially. My experiences are rich and fulfilling

(Ephesians 3:20, Isaiah 1:19)

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