Friday, January 10th thru Thursday, January 30th
(Ephesians 3:20, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Ephesians 1:20-21, 1 Samuel 30:8,
Mark 11:22-24, Hebrews 11:1-6, Job 42:10)
21 Days of Exceedingly, Abundantly, Above All
Prayer & Fasting
Friday, January 10th through Thursday, January 30th
Join us every morning for 21 days of life changing, prevailing prayer & fasting. We decree that your faith is being ignited to new levels and we are graced to live the Exceedingly, Abundantly, Above Life for the glory of God. We decree that you are you are recovering everything missing, stolen or broken in your life. Leaving no victory, success, advantage or privileges on the table! Through this time of massive agreement we are setting the foundations the greatest harvest that we have ever experienced. We're getting in alignment and paving the way for the forces of heaven to intervene and go before us constructing Victory with us, through us and for us each month of 2025.
As we fast and pray; our hearts, minds and bodies are being aligned with the will of God that we may be vessels ready and available for the Father to use us to demonstrate His love & power to reach this world, our families, friends and all that we come in contact with.
Your flame has been ignited!
Live prayer:
6:45am to 7:15am - (January 10th, 13th-17th, 22nd- 26th, 29th-30th)
8:30am to 8:45am (9:00am- JPVLC) - Saturdays (January 11th, 18th & 25th)
9:45 to 10:00am - Sundays (January 12th, 19th & 26th)
(Sunday's prayer time will be live at Church (2231 SW 2nd Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069) no call in on Sundays)
Call in number 667-770-1536 access code: 136492
On Facebook "LIVE" audio:
Go to the group
"Powerful Breakthrough Prayer with Pastor Austin"
10 minute blitz (2 to 4 times a day)
- set your timer for 5-10 minutes
- select 1 or 2 areas of agreement as targets
- select a scripture & praise statement
- Strike: start timer, pray in the spirit, praise, declare, bombard that area of agreement
Friday, January 10th - Thursday, January 30th
From: 7:00am until 12:00 noon or fast one meal per day - breakfast, lunch or dinner and dedicate that time to the Lord. Throughout the day and sometime within the meal period that you have selected to fast, dedicate some time to pray for the areas of agreement and read the Word of God.
(Please be sure to adhere to any medical restrictions that you may have)
*** In addition to or in lieu of the above meal fast; You may elect to fast (or abstain) from anything or activity that would normally distract from your spiritual development ( i.e. social media, television, secular music, desserts, etc.)
Friday, January 11th, 18th, 25th
Join us for a brief time of Holy Communion Friday, January 11th, 18th & 25th during our time of Prayer at 6:45am. You may use a cracker, wafer or piece of bread and some grape juice (or a small amount of any juice that you have available). As we partake in this powerful time of communion we remember the sacrifice of our Savior and we exchange our condition with the provision that His sacrifice made (forgiveness, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wholeness & restoration).
Areas of agreement:
Friday, January 10th - Friday, January 17th
Reset, Restoration and Recovery (Psalm 23:3, Joel 2:25, Job 42:10)
- Everything lost, stolen or missing we reclaim and recovery it or better. Level Up
Saturday, January 18th - Friday, January 24th
Strengthened, fortified and enlarged through Gratitude ( Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:18)
-During this week list 52 things that you are grateful for
Saturday, January 25th - Thursday, January 30th
Taking Territory - Casting your visions (Habakkuk 2:2, Genesis 13:14-15, 1 Chronicles 4:10)
-Write out your goals, dreams and visions.
See all that you have accomplished by January 2025
- I receive the grace now to live exceedingly, abundantly, above all lifestyles this year, by the grace of God
- I receive new beginnings, open doors & new opportunities
- I prophesy to each month of 2025 and I declare that you yield the harvest of divine favor, multiplication and overflow, divine connections, successful and mutually beneficial synergistic relationships
- I'm so grateful & thankful for January and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for February and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for March and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for April and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for May and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for June and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for July and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for August and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for September and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for October and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for November and I declare that it is blessed
- I'm so grateful & thankful for December and I declare that it is blessed
- I am refreshed in the presence of God and I am now equipped to maximize every opportunity that God sends to me
(Acts 3:19)
- My youth is renewed - my mind is sharp, my emotions are whole & my body is strong
(Psalm 103:5)
- I receive uncommon Favor, Wisdom & Direction (Psalm 5:12, James 1:5,
Psalm 37:23)
- I receive financial overflow, abundance & enlarged Territory (Proverbs 10:22, Psalm 23:5, 1 Chronicles 4:10)
- I walk in Divine health (Isaiah 53:5, Psalm 107:20)
- I declare miracles in my family, relationships, businesses & jobs (Matthew 19:26, Jeremiah 32:17)